Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!! The Greatest Holiday of the year, in my humble opinion, but you know that already. We have so much to be thankful for, mom and I are in Utah for the entire week to conduct some business, set Tiana’s wedding plans and celebrate being with the family. The world has tried to reach up and snatch my happiness this week but I’m not going to let it. Such as: the market keeps falling and my income drops, I got into an car accident with the Lexus we’re trying to sell, and BYU loses big to Utah, nevertheless the sun is up, we’re with family we love and the church is true. Those things all weigh more than any bad news I heard this week.

Our missionary experience is still going well. The missionaries, Steve, and I met last Thursday and finished up the Commandments lesson. He has now stopped smoking and drinking and is pretty much cleared to get baptized. We’re hoping for a late Dec date. His wife worries me because she doesn’t seem to be interested at all.

I hosted a dinner seminar for about 65 people at CB&Potts on Monday night to try and drum up some new business. Wed night I had a great night at the temple. I was doing initiories and all the patrons were doing their own family names. One guy was doing work for his brother-in-law and was telling me stories about his deceased relative. It brought tears to his eyes to do his temple work. Thursday was the missionary lesson. Friday I babysat Jenson and Lily all alone for 3 hours. I felt lucky I only had to do one diaper during that time.

Saturday I was attacked by a bamboo shark as he chomped down on one calf and I knocked him away and he went for the other calf and bit through the wetsuit. As I was hitting him off my 2nd leg the puffer fish came to his rescue and bit at my head. It kind of freaked me out, but was still fun.

The big trouble happened on the way to the aquarium. I was in a merge lane with a yield sign and I glanced back to make sure there was no traffic and the lady in front of me came to a dead stop in the middle of the road because she wanted to be safe and didn’t realize there was anyone behind her. Well the police gave me the ticket and it smashed in the front of the Lexus we are trying to sell and drive to Utah. It will cost hundreds of dollars to fix this little problem. Then Utah destroyed an embarrassingly poor BYU football team. So there are my weekly woes and as you can see they are a mere speed bump on the road of life. The really important things like testimony and health are doing great.


Celeste said...

Oh Dad, always trying to be optimistic. I'm glad your calf's are still intact, and you are brave enough to swat dangerous creatures away. That is awesome you got to be there for Scott's decision to quit smoking or drinking. Sorry about the Lexus, stock market, and byu. I'm glad you recognize the bad things in your life are things that you really can't control, and you keeping moving on. I"m excited to see you for black Friday and take the Christmas picture.

Tracy Hogan said...

The bamboo shark reminds me of someone you work with. Thanksgiving with you was really fun. Thanks for loving my family so much.