Sunday, May 15, 2011

One is the Loniest Number There Could Ever Be

Imagine for a whole week around Mother's Day your wife heads off to vacation hundred's of miles away in a flood plain. Leaving you alone to prepare dinner and feed four missionaries for Mother's Day. That isn't the worst; Danica leaves with the only grandkids around and goes with Tracy to Branson, MO. Dave went to his sisters funeral in KY. But there is always Austin to hang around, oh but no he went to Phoenix to visit with Don and Leslie. Well at least I can visit with my CPA buddy, but he and his wife go off to No. Carolina to golf. Thank goodness for the walking stomachs called missionaries. As long as I have food and Simply Orange drink I will have company. It ended up I was only alone during dinner prep and clean up, during the meal I had lots of company. Some day justice.


Celeste said...

Oh so sad Dad, You two could always move out east now, be be between Bryce and I!

Adventure Squad said...

You probably put all the right ingredients in the meal though, meaning that you really are a better cook without missionaries helping you.